Lýsing á nokkrum aðalþáttum skotblástursvélar

- 2021-05-27-

Qingdao Puhua Heavy Industrial GroupBrjótið niður nokkra meginþætti ískotblástursvélfyrir þig:

1. Skotsprengivélog fægja disk

Skotsprengivél is one of the main components of skotblástursvél. The quality and efficiency of shot blasting often depend on which skotblástursvél is used, such as: direct-coupled shot blasting device, belt type shot blasting device, The curved blade skotblástursvél and the quality of the polishing plate are also closely related to the quality and efficiency. Everyone knows that the polishing plate is installed on the skotblástursvél. Það þarf einnig að vinna með öðrum hlutum til að ljúka öllu sprengingarferlinu, þannig að fægja Spjaldið spilar einnig hlutverk.

2. Grunnurinn undirskotblástursvél

This is the two parts of the equipment collectively called the base, because it needs strong support during operation. The base must be able to fully bear the weight of the shot blasting equipment. If the load is running, it will not only affect the performance, but also have aspects. For hidden dangers, please refer to the actual solutions given by the skotblástursvél manufacturer.

3. Fægja hluta

The so-called shot blasting friction is to increase the friction between the skotblástursvél and the workpiece, so that the cleaning effect is doubled, which is also an object in the skotblástursvél parts.